Alle Sehenswürdigkeiten im Xiji County, Ningxia

Xiji County ist eine stadt in China Ningxia.

Chanfuo Temple Grottoes
Chanyao Village, Huozhai Country, Xiji County 756210 China

Dangjiacha Barrier Lake
Subao Country, Xiji County 756202 China

Guyuan Warring States Great Wall of Qin Dynasty
Within the County, Xiji County 756200 China

Hulu River
Originate from South Foot of Yueliang Mountain, Xiji County 756200 China

Huoshizhai National Geologic Park
Huoshizhao Country, Xiji County 756210 China

Jiangtaibao Monument
30 Km Southeast of the County, Xiji County 756200 China

Jiucaiping Qubbah Cemetery
Jiucaiping Village, Jiucai Country, Xiji County 756200 China

Saozhouling Grottoes
15 Km North of the County, Xiji County 756200 China

Shagou Qubbah Cemetery
Shagou Village, Shagou Country, Xiji County 756206 China

Yueliang Mountain of Guyuan
Northwest of the County, Xiji County 756200 China

Restaurants in Xiji County