Alle Sehenswürdigkeiten im Brest Region Weißrussland

Brest Region ist eine provinz von Weißrussland.

Ortsname Breite Längengrad
Embankment 52.08412 23.71157
Holy Cross Church 52.09325 23.685736
St. Nicholas Church 52.097668 23.688503
Holy Cross Exaltation Church 52.094097 23.684975
Monument to the Lover 52.08839 23.69098
Millennium Monument 52.092766 23.693062
St. Nicholas Cathedral 52.081497 23.656109
The 5th Fort Museum 52.05472 23.70004
Happy Boot 52.093998 23.692184
Berestye Archeological Museum 52.08036 23.654676
Bison on Route Brest - Minsk 53.29963 26.368675
Brest Railway Station Building 52.100662 23.681578
Lights Alley 52.092907 23.693764
Brest Railway Museum 52.085926 23.672186
Sovetskaya Street 52.087513 23.695904
Memorial Complex Brest Hero-Fortress 52.082825 23.657295