Alle Sehenswürdigkeiten im Oblast Charkiw Ukraine

Oblast Charkiw ist eine provinz von Ukraine.

Ortsname Breite Längengrad
Fiddler on the Roof 50.00525 36.23731
Kharkiv Planetarium 49.99578 36.22875
The Pokrovsky Cathedral 49.99166 36.22986
The Derzhprom 50.0063 36.22686
Cascade Fountain 49.9993 36.227177
Avec Fine Arts Gallery 50.0053 36.23662
Great War Memorial 50.05733 36.26961
Lovers Fountain 50.00605 36.25012
Jungle Aqua Park 49.946774 36.284714
Constitution Square 49.992195 36.231388
Kharkiv Historical Museum 49.99331 36.230213
Botanical Gardens 50.01827 36.22554
Metallist Stadium 49.98091 36.26166
Kharkov Zoo 50.00148 36.23508
Annunciation Cathedral 49.98953 36.22305
Freedom Square 50.00471 36.23216
Shevchenko Park 49.9933 36.23257
Kharkov Dolphinarium 50.00377 36.23046
Mirror Stream fountain 49.998653 36.234474
Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure 50.016376 36.246475
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