Alle Sehenswürdigkeiten im Nordwest-Territorien Kanada

Nordwest-Territorien ist eine provinz von Kanada.

Ortsname Breite Längengrad
JAMMED studio 62.46239 -114.35224
Yellowknife Ski Club 62.45507 -114.3691
Ruth Inch Community Pool 62.44703 -114.3923
The Prospector trail 62.475044 -114.42118
Yellowknife River Territorial Park Day Use Area 62.518448 -114.31823
Hidden Lake Territorial Park 62.48431 -114.36464
Reid Lake Territorial Park 62.48431 -114.36464
Centre Square Mall 62.45345 -114.3687
Niven Lake Trail 62.46527 -114.36741
Yellowknife Visitor Centre and Information 62.45412 -114.37664
Aurora Emporium Art Gallery 62.45617 -114.36764
Cameron River Ramparts 62.43264 -114.42861
Fred Henne Territorial Park 62.47526 -114.44681
Northern Images 62.4549 -114.36959
Prelude Lake Territorial Park 62.47526 -114.44681
Yellowknife City Hall & Park 62.45445 -114.37649
Down to Earth Gallery 62.46199 -114.35312
Cameron River Falls Trail 62.4307 -114.424934
The Legislative Assembly Building 62.45772 -114.37531
Bush Pilot's Monument 62.466003 -114.348206
Old Town 62.465553 -114.348274
Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre 62.45635 -114.3797